Build and win $1200

Learn how to ideate and build a product. Make your own prototype and win exciting prizes. 









Keep yourself updated with all the events

Week 1: 7th - 14th Oct
Inauguration call Workshop: Intro to product ideation Idea proposal submission
Week 2: 14th - 21st Oct
Workshop: Intro to app design v1 prototype submission  Feedback call
Week 3: 21st - 27th Oct
Workshop: Intro to coding prototypes Demo Day Result announcement

Product Bootcamp + Hackathon = ProtoDrive

your chance to shine!


Cash prize

The team or individual with the best product prototype bags $1,200


1 on 1 mentorship

Get mentored by founders, product leaders, and top designers of the country


Exclusive merch

Top 25 entries win limited edition ProtoDrive tshirts and goodies

Get hired

Get a chance to work on your product and intern with Fountane

Learn from the best builders LIVE!

Rohan Kishore

Intro to product ideation

Product @bluelearn

Naina Bajaj

Intro to app design

Design @Fountane Inc

Sahil Godara

Intro to app design

Design @bluelearn

Kenan Collaco

Intro to coding prototypes

Tech lead @bluelearn


Aditya siripragada

CEO, Fountane Inc

Saawan Patel

President, Fountane Inc

Harman Kunkun 

Harish Uthayakumar

Founder, bluelearn

Kenan Collaco

Tech lead @bluelearn

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What is ProtoDrive? 🤔

ProtoDrive is a 3-week long prototype making competition+bootcamp where you’ll get a chance to learn, work on a real-world project, and take home cash prize from ₹1,00,000 prize pool + Internship opportunity at Fountane!

Who can take part in ProtoDrive?🤼

Anyone and everyone! There is no label or specific criteria to take part in ProtoDrive. It doesn't matter if you're a developer, designer, student, or a dropout.

As long as you have the passion and drive to take part and build something cool, you're welcome to join ProtoDrive and showcase your skills.

What will you do?👨🏻‍💻

As a competitor, you can work solo or alongside a team (max 3 people) to create a Figma design, an engineered prototype, or both for a product.

You’ll have 3 weeks to work on the idea and propose your prototype to the judges. Given the context be as creative as possible, considering edge cases, and understanding the business implications.

Participation rules

Detail Orientation: Bonus points will be rewarded to those who demonstrate more attention to detail.

Functionality: The more relevant features there are, the better.

Creativity: Those who can wow the judges with features the judges did not think of will be rewarded more points.

Completeness: An engineered prototype will warrant more points, however a better designed Figma prototype can still win.

Change Logs: Over time, those who document their progress and process the best, will be rewarded more points.

Ready, set, build!

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